Animation Summon Monster-DM DM Character Ace card other card Yami Yugi Dark Magician Black luster Soldier slifer the sky dragon Obelisk the Tormentor, The winged dragon of Ra Seto Kaiba Blue-eyes white dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon vampire lord Obelisk the Tormentor Yami Marik Lava golem The winged dragon of Ra Joey Wheeler red-eyes black dragon Jinzo Tea Gardner Dark Magician girl Muto Yugi Gandora the Dragon of Destruction Silent Magician LV8 exodia Mai Valentine Harpie Lady Sisters Weevil Underwood insect queen Rex Raptor red-eyes black dragon Mako Tsunami The Legendary Fisherman Yami Bakura dark necrofear Bandit Keith barrel dragon Paradox brother Gate Guardian Odion Embodiment of Apophis Maximillion Pegasus relinquished Mokuba Kaiba blue eyes white dragon Arkana (dark) back magician Bonz pumpking the king of ghosts Espa Roba jinzo Tristan Taylor Umbra & Lumis Masked Beast Des Gardius 5D’s GX Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)